MIS Community Survey Results Show High Levels of Satisfaction
Dear MIS Community,
Attached below are the results of the MIS Community Survey given in April 2024. Overall, the results show a high level of satisfaction from the stakeholders in our community and also give us information for our continuous school improvement process.
Please notice at the bottom of each slide are the areas that parents and faculty felt were real strengths and celebrations as well as areas needing further development. We appreciate your input and utilize this feedback to continue to move our school forward in all areas including home-school connections.
With sincere appreciation,
Mr. Citrano
Head of School
MIS コミュニティーの皆様
この度は、2024 年 4 月に実施したMIS学校評価にご協力頂き、ありがとうございました。下記の通り、評価結果を添付致します。今回の評価結果から、MISステークホルダーの皆様の満足度が全体的に高いことが分かります。また、継続的に学校を改善していく過程の中でも、今回の学校評価の内容は参考になります。
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