2024-2025 Pre-School Application Term 3 / 2024年度3学期プリスクールの募集について
We will offer Pre-School to siblings of children already at MIS and any other children who fulfill requirements. The children need to be between 2 years old and 3 years old (birthdays between 2 April 2021 ~ 1 April 2022).
In all cases, it is the expectation that at least one of the child’s parents will speak and understand English well enough to take part in their child’s education fully. A parent who can understand and speak English will need to come to Pre-School each session with their child.
If a large number of applications are received, documents will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Those who are unable to attend will be waitlisted.
Please see the General Letter below for more details.
The deadline to apply is Monday 16 December 2024.
Please print out the Application Form below and send it to school with the required documents.