Students in K2 upwards are required to wear the MIS uniform which can be purchased through our retailers Kanko Shop Higashi Nihonbashi Ltd. (former Forex Ltd.) and Top of the Class. The school bag is part of this uniform. We expect Kindergarten and Elementary children to buy the bag from Top of the Class.
From Kanko Shop Higashi Nihonbashi, please order “Starter Kit” for new students. Go to Kanko Shop Higashi Nihonbashi homepage http://forex-uniform.jp/mis/e/index.html to purchase items. You can order items individual items here as well. Uniform lineup, size chart, and order forms are listed on their website. Please print out the suitable order form or purchase items online (online website is Japanese only). If you are ordering items via fax, please fax the order form to the retailer at 03-3851-4631 or send it as an attachment file via email to kankoshop-h.nihonbashi@tokyo-kanko.jp. For any questions, the Kanko Shop Higashi Nihonbashi telephone number is 0120-956-928 or 03-3864-7770.
From Top of the Class, please order chino long pants, backpacks, house T-shirts, shoes and cap/hat. Please go to http://www.schooluniform.jp/makuhari-international-school/ when you order items. Their telephone number is 0558-36-4780 (Japanese) / 050-5534-4377 (English). Please note that Top of the Class phone lines are open from 12pm to 3pm on weekdays.
Please look at uniform details form following File.