Vision, Mission and Aims
Innovative Bilingual Education for an Ever-Changing World
The MIS vision is first, to be able to offer a top quality education and give parents real choice – the choice to attend a bilingual school, where English and Japanese are valued equally, and whose diploma allows transfer to Japanese junior high schools as well as international schools. Second, to be in the vanguard of creating a new generation of internationally-minded students, primed to become future leaders in our ever-changing society. Third, to serve and make a lasting impact both locally and globally.
Makuhari International School seeks to provide an outstanding education
and inspire students to become life-long learners and responsible global citizens.
- To create a school climate where each child’s unique skills can develop and flourish.
- To nurture in students international mindedness and model Japanese and world citizenship, and a desire to make a positive contribution to their communities.
- To ensure a high level of proficiency in both English and Japanese for all students by teaching all the subjects in English by native international teachers except the “Japanese” subject.
- To provide a quality education that will prepare students for access to the junior high school or international school of their choice.
- To develop an international curriculum based on the Japanese national curriculum, modified where appropriate, and unique to MIS.
- To use a range of teaching methodologies aimed at enabling children to think independently and use and apply their skills and knowledge in new and unfamiliar situations.
- To make available a variety of enrichment experiences through extra-curricular activities, visits and special events.
- To employ dedicated teaching professionals and support staff who are committed to the MIS mission.
The MIS Commitment to International Mindedness
We understand ‘international mindedness’ to mean:
- An understanding and celebration of the value of diversity, in all its forms.
- Empathy for those who are different, while retaining pride in one’s own identity.
- Open-minded enquiry accompanied by critical thinking about what is discovered via that enquiry.
- Adaptability, or comfort with and the capacity to cope with rapid change. An understanding of the need for balancing interdependence with independence.
- An understanding that individuals can improve the state of the world, and an accompanying acceptance of the responsibility to take action to do so.
MIS believes that it demonstrates international mindedness and promotes international awareness and both global and Japanese citizenship in its students through its curricular and extra-curricular programs.
Our Story
Makuhari new city was originally planned to develop a commercial and residential zone built on the reclaimed land in Makuhari by Chiba Prefectural Government. Within this zone, sectors were identified for commerce, education, housing and recreation. In anticipation of the influx of international businesses to the area, the idea of creating an international school to serve this new community was explored. Chiba Prefecture and Chiba City subsequently asked the Ministry of Education to endorse a school model with a flexible curriculum and a core commitment to nurturing internationalism. In 2006, MIS’s establishment was finally accepted under the School Education Act. Chiba’s long awaited dream came true when Makuhari International School opened its doors in 2009, at once becoming an attraction for returning Japanese families and the international community alike. MIS is pledged to continue to be true to this dream.